Schedule of tenders Ukrtransgaz

Schedule of tenders Ukrtransgaz

Dates of the best one hundred tenders of the holding company. 

 On the cob of 2016, the rock "Ukrtransgaz" even after having ponad 1.2 thousand tenders for ochikuvanu amount 22.58 billion UAH. All the same, lower purchase price, completed by pleasing tenders of the holding company in 2015, if the value of the part is UAH 21.06 billion. they have shrunk malovіdomі fіrmi and vіdvertі "laying".

One of the new purchases of cat $ 13.48 billion. Mova yde about the tender for the posting of technological gas for the price of 7486.8 UAH. for a thousand cubic meters. The price will become close to $ 287 for the current dollar exchange rate, and even a hundred dollars more expensive than gas, a certain Naftogaz Ukrainy at the time of import and export (report of Ukraine on a universal gas purchase).

The axis of the distribution of the most suitable tenders to Ukrtransgaz for the closest hour for the closest sum of 19.69 billion UAH. Prior to the meeting: Ukrtransgaz includes a large number of civic rivals of the Ivano-Frankivsk organization of the People’s Front Igor Prokopіv. Narazі nevidomo chi get a quota on the state company at tsogu ugrupuvannya pіslya іvdstavki Arsenіya Yatsenyuk with plant the head of the squad.

Customer The subject of procurement Bid date Expected value, UAH
Ukrtransgas PJSC code 06.20.1 (09123000-7) - natural gas, liquefied or gaseous (Natural gas, liquefied or gaseous (Natural gas (Natural gas for production and technological needs and needs, natural gas for balancing) » ) - 1 800 000 thousand cubic meters 12.04.16 10:00 13 476 240 000

PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz "

Reconstruction of the system of regeneration of diethylene glycol of the installation of the drying valley of the Dolin Linear Production Management of the main gas pipelines with the introduction of the automatic control system (45000000-7) - in accordance with the working project
25.05.16 10:00 724 263 537

PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz "
Reconstruction of gas absorber units of the Dolinsk Linear Production Line Maintenance of gas pipelines with the introduction of the automatic control system (45000000-7) - in accordance with the working project 27.05.16 10:00 536 497 649
Ukrtransgas PJSC code 71.20.1 (71632000-7) - technical testing and analysis services ("Technical testing and analysis services (Technical testing services (in-pipe diagnostics of main gas pipelines))") - Lot # 1: 4 620 km; Lot # 2: 697 km; Lot # 3: 685 km; Lot # 4: 391 km .: Lot 1 - "Technical Testing and Analysis Services (Technical Testing Services (In-Tube Diagnosis of Du 1400 Main Gas Pipelines))" - 4 620 km; Lot 2 - "Technical Testing and Analysis Services (Technical Testing Services (Inner Tube Diagnosis of Du 1200 Gas Pipelines))" - 697 km; Lot 3 - “Technical Testing and Analysis Services (Technical Testing Services (Inner Tube Diagnostics of Du 1000 Gas Pipelines))” - 685 km; Lot 4 - “Technical Testing and Analysis Services (Technical Testing Services (Inner Tube Diagnosis of Du 800, Du 700, Du 500) Gas Pipelines)” - 391 km. 10.05.16 10:00 387 801 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of "UMG" Cherkasytransgas " code 35.11.1 (09310000-5) - electric energy (Electricity for the objects of UMG "Cherkasytransgaz") - Electricity consumption is determined by Annex No. 1 11.05.16 10:00 254 000 000
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate Repair of gas consumption metering stations at the Kharkivtransgasgas UGS GDS for providing low cost measurement - 3 lots (45300000-0) - according to the competitive bidding documentation: lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption measuring points for providing cost measurement from 1.6 to 650 m3 / h in working conditions -; Lot 2 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points to ensure cost measurement from 1.6 to 1000 m3 / h under operating conditions (northern regions) -; Lot 3 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points to provide cost measurement from 1.6 to 1000 m3 / h under operating conditions (southern regions) - 16.05.16 10:00 241 600 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz " Reconstruction of Beregovo gas-measuring station in Transcarpathian region (Construction works). (45000000-7) - according to the working project. 09.06.16 10:00 210 958 576
Reconstruction of the unit of preparation of the fuel, starting, pulse gas of the compressor station "Bilche-Volytsya" (Construction works). (45000000-7) - According to the terms of reference 23.06.16 09:00 129 968 495
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz " Reconstruction of Uzhgorod gas distribution station in Transcarpathian region - in accordance with the working project 18.02.16 10:00 117 451 958
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate Technical re-equipment of the system of automatic control of the compressor shop at the compressor station "Reshetilovka" of the Dykansky linear production management of the main gas pipelines. (45000000-7)– – 05.05.16 10:00 117 006 825
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate Technical retrofitting of the automatic control system of the compressor shop at the Zinkiv compressor station of the Dykansky Line Production Management of the main gas pipelines (45000000-7) - - 05.05.16 10:00 114 877 263
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of "UMG" LVIVTRANSHAZ " Reconstruction of the unit for preparation of the fuel, starting, pulse gas of the compressor station "Dasava" (Construction works) (45000000-7) - According to the specification 23.06.16 09:00 113 431 865
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate Reconstruction of the Ivankov gas distribution station (45000000-7) -– – 26.05.16 10:00 101 578 228
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz " Reconstruction of the Valley-Uzhgorod-State Border gas pipeline, the second strand (DUD-II) at the section from the Uzhgorod compressor station to the State Border, with the installation of an intake pipe intake facility near the State Border (Construction Works). (45000000-7) - according to the working project. 09.06.16 10:00 93 781 909
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of "UMG" LVIVTRANSHAZ " Technical re-equipment of the power supply system of the compressor station "Dasava" (Construction works) (45000000-7) - According to the terms of reference 29.06.16 09:00 82 093 577
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.25.1 (42510000-4) - heat exchangers; non-domestic air-conditioning units, non-domestic refrigeration and freezing equipment (Gas Heaters) -: Lot 1 - PG-1 gas heater or equivalent - 38 pcs. PG-3 gas heater or equivalent - 45 pcs. PG-5 gas heater or equivalent - 35 pcs. -; lot 2 - PG-10 gas heater or equivalent - 40 pcs. PG-15 gas heater or equivalent - 4 pcs. PG-30 gas heater or equivalent - 16 pcs. - 26.05.16 10:00 81 822 492
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GDS Kharkivtransgaz (45333000-0) - according to the competitive bidding documentation .: Lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption measurement point at the GDS # 4, Kharkiv - according to the competitive bidding documents .; Lot 2 - Repair of gas consumption measurement station at GDS # 2 in Mariupol - according to the tender documentation; Lot 3 - Repair of gas consumption metering station at GHG gas station - according to tender documentation. 08.06.16 10:00 77 574 796
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" represented by a branch of "Ukrgastekzvyaz" Repair of cable link between control systems and connection of the Soyuz and Kremenchuk - Bogorodchany main gas pipeline at the section of the NPP 4/2 VZ Southern Bug - VZ Ananyev (45231000-5) - According to the technical requirements and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement 18.05.16 10:00 69 745 098
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" represented by a branch of "Ukrgastekzvyaz" Repair of cable link of control systems and communication of the Soyuz and Kremenchuk-Bogorodchany main gas pipeline at section NPP 2/1 - VZ Southern Bug NPP 4/2 (45231000-5) - According to the technical requirements and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement 17.05.16 10:00 67 400 098
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz " Reconstruction of the power supply system of the compressor shop # 2 of the Uzhgorod compressor station (45000000-7) - in accordance with the working project 28.04.16 10:00 66 712 212
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.92.2 (43260000-3) - Other machinery for moving, planning, profiling, working out, leveling, tamping, compacting and excavation of soil, minerals or ores (in particular bulldozers, mechanical shovels and road rollers) (Crawler excavator) - 15 piece 27.04.16 10:00 66 675 390
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz "
Reconstruction of the 35/6 kV substation of the valley compressor station (45000000-7) - in accordance with the working project 26.04.16 10:00 66 377 615
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - valves, valves, valves and similar products for pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (ball valves Du1000) - 24 pcs. 27.04.16 10:00 64 940 870
PJSC "Ukrtransgas" Affiliate of "UGG" PrykarpatTransgaz " Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GSC UMG "PrykarpatTransgaz", (installation of gas equipment), (5 lots) (45333000-0) - in accordance with the defective acts and technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the purchase .: lots 1 - 1 - in compliance with the defective acts provided and the technical and qualitative characteristics of the procurement subject .; lot 2 - 2 - in accordance with the defective acts and technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement; lot 3 - 3 - in accordance with the defective acts and technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement; lot 4 - 4 - in accordance with the defective acts and technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement; lot 5 - 5 - in accordance with the defective acts and technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of the procurement. 10.06.2016 10:00 64 821 986
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of "UMG" Cherkasytransgas " Repair of gas consumption metering stations at UGS Cherkasytransgaz gas station - 8 lots (45333000-0) - Scope of work (lot 1-8) is determined according to the budget documentation: Lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption measuring points at UGS Cherkasytransgaz gas station - Obsag performance of works is determined according to the budget documentation; Lot 2 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GRS of Cherkasytransgaz UGS - The volume of works is determined according to; Lot 3 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GRS of Cherkasytransgaz UGS - Scope of works is determined according to; Lot 4 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GRS Cherkasytransgaz - The volumes of works are determined according to; Lot 5 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GRS Cherkasytransgaz - The volumes of works are determined according to; Lot 6 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GRS Cherkasytransgaz - The volumes of works are determined according to; Lot 7 - Repair of gas consumption metering points at the GRS of Cherkasytransgaz UGS - The volume of works is determined according to; Lot 8 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GSC Cherkasytransgaz GDS - Scope of works is determined according to 27.04.16 10:00 60 768 761
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - taps, valves, valves and similar products for pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (ball valves Du500-Du1000) - 28 pcs. 26.05.16 10:00 60 626 087
Ukrtransgas PJSC code 62.01.1 (72232000-0) - Information technology design and development services (Information technology design and development services (Development of custom transaction software and custom software (Software development and implementation according to « Terms of Reference for the development of the software complex to ensure the functioning of the commercial dispatching unit in the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On the Natural Market in PJSC" UKRTRANSGAZ " First gas "and implementation of European energy legislation"))) - according to the specifications and quality characteristics of the procurement 16.05.16 10:00 60 000 000
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - valves, valves, valves and similar products for pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (ball valves Du1200-Du1400) - 8 pcs. 17.05.16 10:00 56 607 652
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 41.00.40-00.00 (45453000-7) - construction of non-residential buildings (new construction, reconstruction, major and routine repairs) (Major overhaul and restoration (Repair of the building of KC # 3 of Lubny KS) - - 06.05.16 10:00 56 262 910
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - valves, valves, valves and similar products for pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (Ball valves Du1200-Du1400) - 8 pcs. 20.05.16 09:00 55 784 348
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate
code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - valves, valves, valves and similar products to pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (ball valves Du500-Du700) - 33 pcs. 28.04.16 10:00 49 900 539
Ukrtransgas PJSC code 64.19.2 (66113000-5) - services for granting loans to banking institutions ("Services for granting loans to banking institutions (Crediting services) (revolving credit line))" DK 021: 2015 - 66113000-55)) - Renewable credit line with a limit of UAH 200.0 million. 28.04.16 10:00 49 863 014
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate
Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GGS UMG KYIVTRANSHAZ (45333000-0) - -: lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GDs Putivl and GDS Buryn Sumy LVUMG UMG KYIVTRANSHAZ - -; lot 2 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at Volochisk, GD Dunaivtsi and GD Khmelnitskiy # 3 Krasilovsky LWUMG UMG KYIVTRANSGAZ - -; Lot 3 - Repair of gas consumption measurement points at VORSEL GRS and FAST Fasts 2 of Boyar LVUMG UMG KYIVTRANSGAZ – – 16.05.16 10:00 48 487 587
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate Repair of gas consumption metering stations at the KharkivTransGas UGS (45333000-0) - according to the competitive bidding documentation: Lot 1 - Repair of the gas consumption metering station at the Kharkiv 2 metro station -; Lot 2 - Repair of gas metering station at GDS 5 m. Kharkiv -
09.06.16 10:00 44 618 169
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of "UMG" Cherkasytransgas "
Repair of gas odorisation systems at GRS Cherkasytransgaz (45300000-0) - Scope of work is determined according to the budget documentation
15.03.16 10:00 44 440 434
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of "UMG" LVIVTRANSHAZ " Repair of gas consumption metering stations at the Lvivtransgaz UGS GAS (Installation of gas equipment) - 5 lots. Lot 2 - 2 - According to the terms of reference; lot 3 - 3 - According to the technical specification; lot 4 - 4 - According to the technical specification; lot 5 - 5 - According to the technical specificati 30.06.16 09:00 44 397 259
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate code 71.12.1 (71340000-3) - engineering services (Development of documentation on land management and registration of documents certifying the right of permanent use of land plots) - according to the tender documentation 02.06.16 10:00 43 153 672
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 43.29.1 (45442000-7) - construction works, others (Repair of insulation coating of MG EKK Du-1200 at 273.02km - 279.55km (L = 6500m) in Lubensky LVUMG)– – 16.05.16 10:00 42 164 591
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate
Repair of gas odorisation units at GRS UMG KYIVTRANSGAZ (45300000-0) 26.04.16 10:00 41 063 421
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 28.25.1 (42511000-1) - heat exchangers; non-domestic air-conditioning units, non-domestic refrigeration and freezing equipment (air heaters) - 4 pcs. 07.06.16 10:00 40 092 720
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of "UMG" Cherkasytransgas " code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - valves, valves, valves and similar products for pipes, boilers, tanks, tanks and similar products (Ball valves, shut-off valves, shut-off valves) - 91 pcs. 18.05.2016 10:00 39 403 817
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate Construction of a system of linear telemechanics on the gas pipelines "Kiev - West of Ukraine -1", "Kiev - West of Ukraine - 2", "Dashava - Kiev", "Luping Dashava - Kiev". Krasilovsky Line Production Management of Main Gas Pipelines (45000000-7) -– 12.07.16 01:00 38 808 032
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of "UMG" LVIVTRANSHAZ " Reconstruction of the telemechanics system of the Kamianka-Buzka industrial gas pipeline site of the Volyn Line Production Line for Main Gas Pipelines (Construction Works). (45000000-7) - According to the terms of reference 29.06.16 09:00 37 539 494
Ukrtransgas PJSC KyivmTransGas Affiliate code 29.10.5 (34142000-4) - special purpose vehicles (Truck crane on chassis 6x6) - 8 pcs.
21.06.16 10:00 36 400 000
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate code 24.20.2 (44160000-9) - welded tubes and tubes, circular cross-section, outer diameter more than 406,4 mm, of steel (Steel outer tube diameter greater than 406,4 mm) - 1 253,992 t. 29.04.16 10:00 35 821 705
Ukrtransgas PJSC KharkivTransGas Affiliate
Repair of gas consumption measurement points at GDS UMG "KHARKIVTRANSGAZ" (45300000-0) - according to the competitive bidding documentation .: lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption metering station at the GDS 1 m. Kryvyi Rih - according to the competitive bidding documentation .; Lot 2 - Repair of gas metering station at GDS 2 in Kryvyi Rih - according to the tender documentation. 23.05.16 10:00 35 200 013
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" Repair of gas odorization systems at GDS UMG "KHARKIVTRANSGAZ" (Construction works) - 2 lots. Code of the subject of procurement according to DK 021: 2015 - 45300000-0 - according to the tender documentation: lot 1 - Repair of gas odorization systems at the GDS of Kryvyi Rih LVUMG UMG "KHARKIVTRANSGAZ" -; Lot 2 - Repair of gas odorization systems at GDS of Kharkiv, Kupyansk, Kherson, Kramatorsk LVUMG UMG "KHARKIVTRANSGAZ" - 14.04.16 10:00 34 259 477
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of UMG "LVIVTRANSGAS" Reconstruction of the automatic control system of the Dashava compressor station of the Dashava underground management of underground gas storage (Construction works) (45000000-7) - According to the terms of the contract 16.06.16 09:00 34 254 581
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" code 71.12.3 (76531000-4) - geological, geophysical and related survey and consultancy services (Geological, geophysical and related survey and consultancy services (Geophysical survey services in wells) of geophysical works in the wells of UGS PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ") - according to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of procurement (terms of reference) .: Lot 1 - industrial and geophysical works in the wells of UGS PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ", Western region; - according to technical requirements; characteristics of the subject of procurement (terms of reference), lot 2 - carrying out industrial and geophysical works in the wells of UGS PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ", Eastern and Central region - according to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of procurement (terms of reference). 11.05.16 10:00 33 000 000
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of UMG "LVIVTRANSGAS" Work: Technical re-equipment of the general station board of control systems and a board of a direct current 220B, 24B of compressor station "Ternopil" (45000000-7) - 20.04.16 09:00 32 566 357
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of UMG "LVIVTRANSGAS" Work: Technical re-equipment of the general station board of control systems and a board of a direct current 220B, 24B of compressor station "Rogatin" (45000000-7) - According to the technical task 20.04.16 09:00 32 548 053
PJSC Ukrtransgaz Branch of UMG Prykarpattransgaz Reconstruction of the complete transformer substation 2x1000 of the compressor shop №2 of the compressor station "Uzhhorod" (45000000-7) - in accordance with the working project 12.05.16 10:00 32 486 363
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of BMF "Ukrgazprombud" code 28.13.2 (42123000-7) - air or vacuum pumps; air or other gas compressors (Compressors) - 1 pc. 08.06.2016 9:00 32 394 246
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kyivtransgaz" code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - taps, valves, valves and similar articles for pipes, boilers, tanks, cisterns and similar articles (Spherical cranes Du50 - Du400 with pneumatic drive) - 288 pcs. 17.06.16 10:00 30 955 777
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" Technical re-equipment of the heat supply system of the Novopskovsky industrial site of the Severodonetsk linear production management of the main gas pipelines (45000000-7) - according to the tender documentation 19.05.16 10:00 29 927 762
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" code 26.30.2 (32552000-7) - electrical equipment for wired telephone or telegraph communication; videophones ("Electrical equipment for wired telephone or telegraph communication; videophones (Electrical equipment for wire telephony or wire telegraphy (IP telephony equipment)") - 11 sets 17.05.16 10:00 29 682 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" 
represented by the branch "Management" Ukrgaztechzvyaz "VOLZ Boyarka-Berdychiv (45000000-7) - According to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of purchase

26.05.16 10:00 29 492 663
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 28.11.3 (42113000-4) - parts of turbines (Spare parts to MK-8) - Spare parts to MK-8 - 479 pieces. 14.04.16 10:00 29 430 653
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" code 19.20.2 (09100000-0) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (Gasoline and diesel fuel) - 1,370,000.00 liters 25.04.16 10:00 29 050 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" Repair of gas consumption measuring points at UMG Kharkivtransgaz (45333000-0) - according to the tender documentation: lot 1 - Repair of gas consumption measuring point at Krasnoarmeyskaya GDS - according to the tender documentation; Lot 2 - Repair of the gas consumption measuring point at GDS №1 Kherson - according to the tender documentation 15.06.16 10:00 28 844 917
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kyivtransgaz" code 19.20.2 (09100000-0) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (gasoline and diesel fuel) - Gasoline A-92 - 409,300.00 liters. Gasoline A-95 - 160,980.00 liters. Diesel fuel - 764,500.00 liters. 18.04.16 10:00 28 644 606
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" code 29.10.5 (34114000-9) - special purpose vehicles (EXH mobile laboratory on the basis of a 4x4 car) - 19 pcs. 19.04.16 10:00 28 462 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" code 65.12.1 (66512000-2) - services on insurance against accidents and health insurance (Services on insurance against accidents and health insurance (Services on insurance against accidents and health insurance (Voluntary medical insurance of workers) ))) - according to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of procurement (technical task). 03.05.16 10:00 27 000 000
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 28.11.3 (42113000-4) - parts of turbines (Spare parts to GT-750-6) - Spare parts to GT-750-6 - 14 sets, 2 pieces. 11.04.16 10:00 26 798 760
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kyivtransgaz" code 28.14.1 (42131000-6) - taps, valves, valves and similar articles for pipes, boilers, tanks, cisterns and similar articles (Ball valves Du50 - Du400 with manual drive) - 1293 pcs 17.06.16 10:00 26 759 704
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of BMF "Ukrgazprombud" code 19.20.2 (09100000-0) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (Gasoline, diesel fuel) - 1,182,000 liters 25.05.16 09:00 26 590 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of BMF "Ukrgazprombud" code 19.20.2 (09100000-0) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (Gasoline, diesel fuel) - 1,182,000 liters 12.05.16 09:00 26 590 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of BMF "Ukrgazprombud" code 19.20.2 (09100000-0) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (Gasoline, diesel fuel) - 1,169,328 liters 10.06.16 09:00 26 294 615
PJSC Ukrtransgaz Branch of UMG Prykarpattransgaz Repair of DC systems of KS UMG "PRIKARPATTRANSGAZ" (Construction and installation works). (45300000-0) - in accordance with the provided defective acts. 30.05.16 10:00 25 943 696
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" code 26.51.8 (38400000-9) - parts and accessories for measuring, testing and navigation equipment (Sensors and transducers) - 724 pcs. 23.05.16 10:00 25 096 037
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch of UMG "LVIVTRANSGAS" Repair of gas odorization systems at GV UMG "LVIVTRANSGAZ" (45300000-0) - 10.05.16 09:00 24 995 831
PJSC Ukrtransgaz Branch of UMG Cherkasytransgaz code 19.20.2 (09211000-1) - liquid fuel and gas; lubricating oils (Seals gas-tight and washing liquids) - 10460,160 kg 10.05.16 10:00 24 728 361
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" represented by the branch of "Ukrgastechsvyaz" "Reconstruction of technological communication of Ukrtransgaz at the Boyarka-Yagotyn section" (45000000-7) - According to technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of purchase 25.05.16 10:00 24 720 612
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 26.51.7 (31200000-8) - thermostats, manostats and other devices and equipment for automatic regulation or control (Automatic control system) - 3 sets 14.06.2016 10:00 24 354 000
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 26.51.7 (31200000-8) - thermostats, manostats and other devices and equipment for automatic regulation or control (Automatic control system) - 3 sets 14.06.2016 10:00 24 354 000
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 26.51.7 (31200000-8) - thermostats, manostats and other devices and equipment for automatic regulation or control (Automatic control system) - 3 sets 14.06.2016 10:00 24 354 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kyivtransgaz" reconstruction of two-transformer complete substation (2KTP 1000) at Krasyliv compressor station of Krasyliv linear production management of main gas pipelines (45000000-7) - 24.05.16 10:00 24 150 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" Repair of gas consumption measuring points at GDM UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" (45333000-0) - according to the tender documentation: lot 1 - -; 09.06.16 10:00 24 075 419
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE "
code 28.11.3 (42113000-4) - parts of turbines (Spare parts to GTK-10) - Spare parts to GTK-10 - 10 sets, 130 pieces. 14.04.16 10:00 23 302 262
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" code 80.10.1 (79713000-5) - services related to personal security (Protection of facilities of PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ": branches "AGROGAS", BMF "UKRGAZPROMBUD", Department "UKRGAZTECHVISIA", NVTCDG TGDG - Exhibition of 49 posts at the Facilities, 3 of which are mobile 19.04.16 10:00 22 900 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" represented by the branch of "Ukrgastechsvyaz"
FOCUS Dolyna-Ivano-Frankivsk (45000000-7) - According to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of purchase 24.05.16 10:00 22 674 286
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE "
code 28.11.3 (42113000-4) - parts of turbines (Spare parts to GTK-10) - Spare parts to GTK-10 - 10 kt, 58 pieces. 14.04.16 10:00 22 558 343
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" represented by the branch of "Ukrgastechsvyaz" VOLZ Rohatyn-Dolyna (45000000-7) - According to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of purchase 25.05.16 10:00 22 349 735
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch "Directorate for Construction and Reconstruction of the Gas Transmission System" Design and survey works on the object: "Construction of the main gas pipeline-interconnector" Drozdovichi - Bilche-Volytsia "(stages" Project "," Working documentation "and examination of the stage" Project ") (Construction works) (45000000-7) - Accordingly to the technical requirements and quality characteristics of the subject of procurement 05.05.16 10:00 21 950 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" code 29.10.3 (34120000-4) - cars for transportation of not less than 10 people
31.05.16 10:00 21 840 000
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" code 80.10.1 (79713000-5) - services related to personal security "Protection of facilities of PJSC" UKRTRANSGAZ ": UMG" KYIVTRANSGAZ ", UMG" LVIVTRANSGAZ ", UMG" PRIKARPATTRANSGAZ ", UMG" UMG "HM CHERKASITRANSGAZ ", AGROGAS branch) - Exhibition of 55 security posts, of which 52 round-the-clock, 1 day and 2 night - on weekdays and daily - on weekends and holidays 19.04.16 10:00 21 400 000
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 28.11.3 (42113000-4) - parts of turbines (Spare parts to GTK-10) - Spare parts to GTK-10 - 5 sets, 33 pieces. 14.04.16 10:00 20 851 101
PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" Branch of UMG "Kharkivtransgaz" Reconstruction of the heat supply system of the compressor station of KS "Borova" of the Pervomaisk linear production management of the main gas pipelines (45000000-7) - according to the tender documentation 25.05.16 10:00 19 773 104
PJSC "UKRTRANSGAZ" Branch "Production and technical enterprise" UKRGAZENERGOSERVICE " code 27.90.4 (31720000-9) - electrical equipment, other (including electromagnets, electromagnetic clutches, couplings and brakes, electromagnetic lifting heads, charged particle accelerators, electrical signal generators), n.v.i.u (Electromechanical equipment) control of cranes) - Control units toранами – 632 комплекта 31.05.2016 10:00 19 592 000
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Прикарпаттрансгаз» код 26.51.6 (38340000-0) – інструменти та прилади вимірювальні, контрольні та випробовувальні, інші (Інструменти та прилади вимірювальні, контрольні та випробовувальні, інші (Прилади для вимірювання величин (Калібратори, прецизійні цифрові термометри)).) – 19 шт.
14.06.2016 10:00 19 562 33
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Прикарпаттрансгаз» Реконструкція системи електропостачання апарату повітряного охолодження газу компресорної станції «Ужгород» (Будівельні роботи) (45000000-7) – у відповідності до робочого проекту 14.04.16 10:00 19 354 071
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Прикарпаттрансгаз» код 26.51.5 (38420000-5) – прилади для контролювання інших фізичних характеристик (Вимірювальні комплекси) – 343 шт. 24.05.16 10:00 19 348 000
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Черкаситрансгаз» код 22.11.1(34350000-5) – шини та камери ґумові нові (Шини для транспортних засобів великої та малої тоннажності) – 4206 шт.: лот 1 – шини – 528; лот 2 – шини – 1322; лот 3 – шини – 1159; лот 4 – шини – 1197 16.05.16 10:00 18 896 831
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Харківтрансгаз» Технічне переоснащення системи теплопостачання Дніпропетровського проммайданчика Запорізького лінійного виробничого управління магістральних газопроводів (45000000-7) – згідно документації конкурсних торгів 26.05.16 10:00 17 769 664
ПАТ «УКРТРАНСГАЗ» Філія «УМГ «ЛЬВІВТРАНСГАЗ» Реконструкція систем «сухих» газодинамічних ущільнень газоперекачувальних агрегатів дотискувальної компресорної станції «Більче-Волиця» (Будівельні роботи). (45000000-7) – Згідно з технічним завданням 29.06.16 09:00 17 609 637
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Київтрансгаз» Реконструкція систем постійного струму 220В/27В на компресорній станції «Суми» Сумського лінійного виробничого управління магістральних газопроводів (45000000-7) – 30.05.16 10:00 17 534 000
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» в особі філії «Управління «Укргазтехзв’язок» ВОЛЗ Червоний Донець-Краматорськ (45000000-7) – Згідно технічних вимог та якісних характеристик предмета закупівлі 18.05.16 10:00 17 428 393
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Київтрансгаз» Ремонт пунктів вимірювання витрати газу на ГРС ТЕЦ-6 УМГ «КИЇВТРАНСГАЗ» (45333000-0) – – 10.06.16 10:00 17 123 196
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» Філія «УМГ «Київтрансгаз» Реконструкція агрегатних електричних шаф на компресорній станції «Красилів» Красилівського лінійного виробничого управління магістральних газопроподів (45000000-7) – 19.05.16 10:00 16 785 000
ПАТ «Укртрансгаз» код 80.10.1 (79713000-5) – послуги, пов’язані з особистою безпекою (Охорона об’єктів ПАТ «УКРТРАНСГАЗ»: Науково-дослідного інституту транспорту газу, УМГ «ЛЬВІВТРАНСГАЗ», УМГ «ХАРКІВТРАНСГАЗ», філії «АГРОГАЗ», ВРТП «УКРГАЗЕНЕРГОСЕРВІС») – Виставлення 43 постів охорони на об’єктах замовника, з яких 40 цілодобових, 1 денний з 08:00 до 18:00 кожного дня, окрім вихідних та святкових, 1 денний щодня з 07:00 до 19:00 та 1 нічний пост щодня з 18:00 до 06:00 19.04.16 10:00 16 600 000